Sachi Shukla, Rishi Lingwal, Vansh Saraf, Dheeraj Modi, Madhav Jindal
Student, SVKMs NMIMS
It has become very challenging for governments, particularly those in developing nations, to provide their inhabitants with high-quality health services as a result of the limited resources and growing population. As a result, cutting-edge Operations Research (OR) approaches have been created for a variety of healthcare applications, including planning for the operating room, staffing the emergency room, screening for breast cancer, arranging radiation treatments, long-term care, and home healthcare. In addition to assisting hospitals in better patient management, medical research can also help these facilities deliver better care while maximising efficiency. In this research paper, applications of operations research in healthcare are discussed globally, with a focus on India.
Keywords: Healthcare; Operations Research; Decision making; Optimisation; Disaster management; Risk pooling; Scheduling.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2022-11-30

Vol : 7
Issue : 11
Month : November
Year : 2022
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