Divine-Welekwe Ibuchim Charity, Etim Priscilia Effiong, Pekene Elohor Victory
Mr., Faculty of Education /University of Port Harcourt
This study examined teacher quality and academic performance of students in public secondary schools in Rivers State, Nigeria. Three objectives with corresponding research questions and null hypotheses guided the study. Correlational survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of this study comprised of all the 6,893 teachers of 291 public senior secondary schools in Rivers State. A proportionate stratified random sampling technique was adopted to select a sample size of 1,033 teachers representing 15% of the entire population. Two instruments titled: Teacher Quality Scale (TQS) and Academic Performance Scale (APS) were used for this study. Cronbach alpha reliability test was conducted to ascertain the reliability of the instruments, of which the reliability coefficients of Teacher Quality Scale and Academic Performance Scale were 0.89 and 0.83 respectively. Research questions 1-3 were answered with the use of Pearson Product Moment Correlation, while z-ratio correlation statistics was used to test the corresponding hypotheses at 0.05 significance level with the help of statistical package in social science (SPSS). The result of the study revealed that, there was a very weak and positive relationship between teacher’s teaching methods and academic performance of students, while teacher’s time management and subject mastery were found to have moderate and positive relationship with academic performance of students in public secondary schools in Rivers State. Consequently, the study concludes that that though there are quality teachers in public secondary schools in Rivers State, their quality does not reflect much on students’ academic performance. Based on the results and conclusion, the study recommended among others that supervisors from the school board and principals should step up their supervisory roles and techniques to ensure that teachers vary their teaching method. Also, teachers should be motivated by the government through Ministry of Education to participate actively in training programmes and workshops to update their knowledge and pedagogical skills on time management.
Keywords: Teacher, Quality, Students, Academic Performance
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2023-01-20

Vol : 8
Issue : 1
Month : January
Year : 2023
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