Berdimurodov Akmaljon Azamat o'g'li
The concept of digital economy is used in almost all sectors of the world economy. Information and communication technologies are actively spreading in production, financial and marketing processes, contributing to the formation and development of adapted technologies for managing the production cycle and optimizing business processes. This contributes to the formation and development of adapted technologies for managing the production cycle and optimizing business processes. The development of agricultural production is largely limited by climatic, geographical and natural conditions. Onew is largely limited by natural conditions and is associated with significant risks and vulnerabilities. Unlike other areas of industrial production unlike other industrial sectors, where it is possible to foresee possible development options and change the strategy, in the agricultural sector there is not always an opportunity to change the strategy. Such opportunities are not always available. The purpose of this study is to analyze the benefits of digital transformation in agriculture. The purpose of the study is to analyze the benefits of digital transformation in agriculture and develop a methodological approach for assessing the digital maturity of agribusiness enterprises. Research objectives: 1) analysis of the expected results of the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex; 2) study of the main stages of "digital agriculture" projects; 3) development of digital agriculture projects; 4) development of digital agriculture projects; 7) development of digital agriculture projects.
Keywords: innovations, digitalization, agriculture, agribusiness, digital economy, economic growth, digital technologies.
Journal Name :
International Journal of Asian Economic Light (JAEL)

Published on : 2023-07-03

Vol : 11
Issue : 4
Month : June
Year : 2023
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