Rahimov Akmal Matyaqubovich
A teacher, Tashkent Institute of Finance
This article investigates the evolving models of bank deposit operations, emphasizing the shift from traditional practices to modern, technology-centric methods. It delves into how technological progress, regulatory developments, and changing customer demands are reshaping deposit management in banks. Key focus areas include financial inclusion strategies, the emergence of green banking, and the banking sectors role in regional technological innovation. The study synthesizes recent research to shed light on banks adaptive strategies in the face of a rapidly changing financial environment, highlighting the critical roles of stakeholder engagement, technology adoption, and regulatory frameworks in this transformative process.
Keywords: bank deposit operations, technological advancements in banking, financial inclusion strategies, green banking technology, regulatory impact on banking, digital transformation in banking sector.
Journal Name :
International Journal of Asian Economic Light (JAEL)

Published on : 2023-12-06

Vol : 11
Issue : 9
Month : December
Year : 2023
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