Umarova. M.A, Nabikhodjaev. A.A
1.DSc., Acting Professor of Department of ISFT "Business Management"., 2. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the "Economic Statistics" Department of TSUE, Uzbekistan
In this state, the causes of inflation are discussed in detail, including a comparative analysis, the dynamics of the level of inflation in the CIS countries, as well as the three main types of IPTs and the deflator VVP. The specified task, which must be realized in the monetary and credit policy and the inflation picture.
Keywords: inflation, monetary and credit policy, consumer price index (IPTs), gross domestic product (GDP), deflator of gross domestic product, Laspeyres index.
Journal Name :
International Journal of Asian Economic Light (JAEL)

Published on : 2024-10-17

Vol : 12
Issue : 8
Month : October
Year : 2024
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