JSEL-About The Journal
 International Journal of Southern Economic Light (JSEL) - ISSN: 2277 – 5692 is an international, Peer-reviewed & Refereed multi-dimensional research Journal. Publishing language is English..SJIF Impact Factor(2024)8.311 View ,Journal DOI:10.36713/epra2712 ViewAuthors can know every status of paper by Email and SMS. Paper status tracking option is also available on our website. If the paper has been accepted then the author is required to pay the publication fee and copyright form submission. After successful completion of this formality completed, author can receive the Acceptance certificate soft copy immediately. Besides, Author will get publication within 2 working days from formality completed. Author will get Published article soft copy & publication Certificate soft copy immediately after publication. The Journal invites Unique, Unpublished research, review papers in multi-subject areas..
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