Barkha Kashyap, Dr. J. Eugene
Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, Chennai-600113, Tamil Nadu, India
Employee well-being is crucial for a healthy and pleasant workplace, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The definition of work has evolved, with flexible terms encompassing location and time. To foster a healthy organization, inclusive working employees well-being is essential. Studies highlight the importance of workplace spirituality, moral leadership, and health-oriented tactics in supporting employee well-being. Integrating well-being treatments into daily routines can improve employee resilience. Ethics and social responsibility are also essential in fostering employee health. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the need to address stress and family conflict at the work-family interface. A healthy work environment is essential for improving employee wellness and productivity. This study investigates the relationship between employee well-being and organizational health, focusing on employee perceptions, organizational support, and effectiveness of initiatives. The goal is to inform strategies and interventions to enhance employee well-being and organizational health.
Keywords: Healthy organizations, employee well-being, leadership, inclusive environment
Journal Name :
International Journal of Southern Economic Light (JSEL)

Published on : 2024-03-28

Vol : 12
Issue : 1
Month : March
Year : 2024
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