Floralyn L. Doquilla, Shirley P. Ayeo-eo, Pershalyn M. Almerol
Faculty, College of Criminology, Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, Philippines
For some must watch, while some must sleep, so runs the world away-William Shakespeare, Hamlet. While you were enjoying your deep sleep, there are somebody tasked to ensure your safety, some of them are called BPATs (Barangay Peace Keeping Action Team). This study aims to determine the level of implementation, effectiveness and degree of problems encountered of Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team in the City of Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija. it used of descriptive research design. A survey questionnaire was used as a main tool of the study that was validated by experts. Data gathered were tallied, tabulated, treated and interpreted using Likert Scale and Weighted Mean. The study was conducted in 9 selected barangays the City of Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija where 605 respondents participated composed of; 40 PNP Personnel, 188 Barangay Officials and 377 Residents. Results showed that the BPAT were implemented, effective and the problems encountered were fairly serious. In conclusion, Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team of selected barangays in the City of Cabanatuan was mobilized, working and effective. The problems encountered were less serious and manageable. It is then recommended that implementers of the team should continue to perform well and to ensure the effectiveness of the team there is a need to systematize their daily routine activities in implementation of peace and order. Also, implementers of BPAT must strengthen and update the knowledge, skills and attitude of the members through a joint trainings and seminars.
Keywords: Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team, Level of Implementation, Level of Effectiveness, Problems Encountered
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2023-01-31

Vol : 9
Issue : 1
Month : January
Year : 2023
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