Shane Aalam, Amir Khan
Student, Aligarh Muslim university
The main forces influencing the development of agricultural research include advances in science and technology as well as global urbanisation. Food tastes have evolved as a result of career shifts, rising per capita wealth in developing countries, and worldwide connections. The production of more and better food is made more difficult by these developments and the growing population. Utilizing methods from traditional agriculture from the 20th century to increase productivity of agriculture has its limitations. The dependency on chemical fertilisers and pesticides for productivity enhancement and pest management, respectively, poses a hazard to the environment and is a significant restraint on world food supply. These developments imply that new agricultural innovations are unavoidably required, and that these technologies should be included into mainstream agriculture (the big agriculture as we may call). The research focuses for overcoming these limitations include vertical farming and organic farming. By vertically stacking the farms, more may be produced on a less amount of area thanks to vertical farming. The needs for food supply may be satisfied within cities with this method, which lowers transportation costs and the harm that fuels due to the environment. It is also ideally suited for the continually expanding urban population across the world. On the other hand, organic farming adheres to the principles of minimising the use of chemicals in agriculture and is therefore environmentally beneficial. In order to fulfil the rising demand for food, these approaches may be used to increase output and productivity.
Keywords: Global urbanisation, Agriculture innovation, Vertical stacking, organic farming,
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2023-03-23

Vol : 9
Issue : 3
Month : March
Year : 2023
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