Jessie John S. Narciso
Cor Jesu College Graduate School, Digos City, Philippines
Mindanao is rich in culture and its natural resources, but little is known about it. Providing available resources online is one way of learning about this beautiful island. This study was undertaken to identify the available Mindanao resources and to make an annotation of the collected local resources through the use of Librarika. Furthermore, the bibliographic information of the Mindanao resources becomes accessible and retrievable, thus, making the list of an online annotated bibliography available in the different libraries in Mindanao. This project study aimed to design an E-Solution for Mindanao resources online annotated bibliography. Using quantitative and qualitative descriptive design, test and evaluation of the functionality and aesthetic design of the “E-Solution for Mindanao Resources: An Online Annotated Bibliography” was developed. E-Solution for Mindanao resources project helps the users to easily access the availability of online annotated bibliography of Mindanao resources because of its eight functional tabs namely; home, catalog, search catalog, database A-Z, top collections, new collections, my account and ask a librarian. Results showed that E-Solution for Mindanao Resources: An Online Annotated Bibliography is functional and competitive in its aesthetic design. It is recommended that this E-Solution for Mindanao resources project be visible and accessible online and be continually updated by the researcher regarding developments in Mindanao resources and annotated bibliography.
Keywords: Mindanao Resources, Online Annotated Bibliography, Librarika, E-Solution for Mindanao resources
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2023-05-15

Vol : 9
Issue : 5
Month : May
Year : 2023
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