Rellen Karmela C. Mercado
Administrative Assistant II, Laguna State Polytechnic University, Santa Cruz Main Campus, Philippines
This study assessed the work performance of non-teaching staff designated at Department of Education selected sub-offices in the Division of Laguna. The standardized and self-administered questionnaire was distributed via Google Form, and a total of one hundred fifty-five (155) non-teaching staff from various sub-offices took part. The data was analyzed using statistical methods like mean, standard deviation, and Pearsons correlation coefficient as part of the studys descriptive-correlational research design. The findings indicated that an individuals work characteristics had a significant impact on their work performance, which was rated as extremely high in terms of their adaptive performance, task performance, and contextual performance. However, in counterproductive work behavior assessed very low. It only shows that Department of Educations non-teaching professionals continue to exhibit good work ethics in their respective positions. However, it was shown that there was little correlation between an employees profile and how well they performed at work. Furthermore, the study revealed a significant positive relationship between individual work characteristics and work performance. The results imply that employees with very high individual work characteristics tend to have better work performance in their respective institution. Based on the findings, the study recommends that continuous institutional trainings for non-teaching personnel should be conducted regularly to improve their work performance and boost their morale as professionals. This study provides valuable insights for Department of Education for continuous improvement of government services not only in teaching aspect as well as the non-teaching personnel to satisfy clients needs and giving quality education services.
Keywords: Work Performance, DepEd Sub-Offices, Non-Teaching Employees
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2023-05-31

Vol : 9
Issue : 5
Month : May
Year : 2023
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