Dr. S.A.N.Shazuli Ibrahim
Associate Professor and Head, M.S.S. Wakf Board College
In todays rapidly evolving business landscape, companies face the constant challenge of adapting to disruptive innovation to maintain a competitive edge. This research article aims to explore the concept of disruptive innovation and its profound impact on marketing strategies. By examining the principles of disruptive innovation, assessing its potential benefits and challenges, and identifying the success factors, this study provides insights on how organizations can embrace change and leverage disruptive innovations to achieve marketing success. The article also discusses key considerations for marketers to effectively navigate the dynamic environment shaped by disruptive innovation. This article concludes by summarizing the key findings and takeaways. It reinforces the importance of embracing disruptive innovation as a substance for marketing success and provides recommendations for organizations to proactively adapt to and capitalize on disruptive changes. The conclusion also highlights the need for continuous learning, flexibility, and agility in a world where disruptive innovation is an ever-present force.
Keywords: disruptive innovation, marketing strategies, success factors, dynamic environment, capitalize, disruptive changes, digital transformation, innovation strategy
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2023-06-03

Vol : 9
Issue : 5
Month : May
Year : 2023
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