Adarsh Kumar, Abhishek Guleria, Dr. Sunita, Dr Gurvinder Singh
Department of CSA, Arni University, Kathgarh Indora H.P, India
E healthcare is a new and emerging concept that uses the internet and Internet related services to improve the efficiency of healthcare. It involves use of tools like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data etc. to improve the quality of healthcare. Hence being a developing concept, it has dragged the attention of academic scholars, that’s the reason for choosing E- Healthcare systems for this review. The main aim of this review paper is to summarize the literature on benefits and challenges for E healthcare. This paper also emphasizes on the relevance, need and features of E healthcare systems. It has provided a special emphasis on the benefits of E healthcare for developing nations and how the developing countries prove themselves as opportunities for E- healthcare. The paper describes the potential advantages of E healthcare, organizational benefits, social benefits etc. Along with the benefits this paper also covers the various drawbacks of E healthcare systems, the need for improvement. It has also focused on relevance of use of Artificial Intelligence in the improvement of health care services. The paper will cover almost every detail about E- healthcare systems in a brief and summarized form. It also contains the introduction, Emergence and historical Background of E healthcare. Hence this paper will be critically evaluating the term E health, E healthcare, Manual Healthcare, E healthcare systems and all the related terms like big data etc. The main headings to be covered under this paper are Introduction, Features, Scope, Benefits and limitations/ Challenges.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2023-06-16

Vol : 9
Issue : 6
Month : June
Year : 2023
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