Prof. Dr.Giselle Ann D'souza
Professor , St. Teresas Institute of Education,Santacruz, Mumbai, India
Teachers the world over are constantly faced with the challenge of late submissions when it comes to students turning in their assignments. Analysis of the issue reveals that if the problem is traced to its grassroots, Academic Procrastination heads the list of causative factors. To surmount this hurdle, teachers have no viable option but to impose strict deadlines to ensure that students submit their course work without undue delay. The present study attempted to investigate and compare the popularity of 3 deadline schedules, namely Evenly Spaced Schedule, End Regimen and Self-imposed Schedule among Middle and High School students. The sample comprised of 373 students of a private aided English-medium State Board School in Mumbai. Results revealed that the vast majority of students in both school sections preferred the Self-imposed Schedule, followed by the End Regimen and the Evenly Spaced Schedule. An analysis of the possible bearing that the choice of deadline schedule could have on the quality of projects submitted by students, indicated that those opting for the Self-imposed and End Regimens produced work which was far more outstanding than those who opted for the Evenly Spaced Schedule. Results also implied that the Self-imposed regimen was most popular among students even when studied in relation to their level of procrastination. The study highlights the need for educators to help learners develop the skill of creating their own constructive timelines which would guide them to achieve academic targets in good time, instead of imposing deadlines which serve as a kill-joy and student stressor.
Keywords: Academic Procrastination, Deadline, Evenly Spaced Schedule, Self-Imposed Schedule, End Regimen, Middle School, High School
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2023-06-28

Vol : 9
Issue : 6
Month : June
Year : 2023
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