Bebiejean C. Dellosa, Roel P. Villocino
Assumption College of Nabunturan, Nabunturan, Davao De Oro, Philippines
Pupils without parents are considered to be one of the most vulnerable sectors in the community suffering from many psychological challenges brought about by the pandemic. Their struggles do not comprise on emotional aspects only but it also covers educational battles and enduring pain on the absence of their parents.The main purpose of this study was to unveil the prevailing struggles and hopes of selected pupils without parents during pandemic in Baylo Elementary School, Municipality of Monkayo. It also aimed at suggesting possible ways that help in promoting the well-being of the participants of this study who were in great need of help when it comes to academic, financial, and emotional aspects. This study employed a multiple case study research approach. In gathering the data, five informants were interviewed through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Thematic and content analysis were used to arrange and analyze the information. Results of the study showed that pupils without parents were totally struggling when it comes to both academic and emotional aspects and thus need and immediate support in all aspects of their lives especially that they were vulnerable of kind. It was revealed in the study that despite the absence of their parents and their daily struggles when it comes to tasks in school, they continued going to school and remained optimistic in life. Finally, the findings of this study emphasized that the creation and implementation of programs and initiatives in order to give assistance to these pupils should be taken action. The school can tap stakeholders in the community to take part in upholding the welfare of the informants. With this, pupils will have a positive attitude in life and be inspired to work well in school regardless of the circumstances.
Keywords: pupils without parents, pandemic, struggles, insights, multiple case study
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2023-08-05

Vol : 9
Issue : 8
Month : August
Year : 2023
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