Lourine E. Guinto, Imelda G. Carada PhD
1.Luis Palad Integrated High School, 2.Laguna State Polytechnic University, Philippines
Expanding vocabulary is important to fully develop students learning because lacking vocabulary skills can be a significant barrier to understanding a literary work. As a result, the researcher conducted a study on Enriched Vocabulary-Video Lessons of Literary Works and Vocabulary Expansion. The researcher used a descriptive-experimental study to assist the students in the ninth grade from Luis Palad Integrated High School, with a total of forty-five (45) participants. After gathering and analyzing the data, the following outcomes were recorded regarding the respondents level of acceptance towards the enriched vocabulary-video lessons of literary works based on content and screen display (text) deemed Acceptable. The results also showed a highly acceptable level of acceptance among the respondents regarding the script development, visual presentation (non-text), and audio/sound effects of the enriched vocabulary-video lessons of literary works. On the other hand, there was a significant difference in the respondents scores in vocabulary expansion before and after using the enriched vocabulary video lessons as teaching materials, indicating the effectiveness of the materials. Overall, the study reveals that the use of enriched vocabulary-video lessons has a significant correlation in helping students easily comprehend the deep and figurative words in each literary work being discussed. It is recommended to utilize enriched vocabulary-video lessons in teaching literary works to enhance further and enrich students vocabulary expansion.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2023-08-11

Vol : 9
Issue : 8
Month : August
Year : 2023
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