Soliev Ikromjon Komiljonovich
Researcher , Namangan State Pedagogical Institute
The phenomenon of human value is also changing on a global scale, as digitalization is rapidly spreading around the world and changing the nature of intersubjective interactions. In any historical period, values play the main educational role for every society. The article intensively discusses the vectors associated with changing the process of human cognition in the realities of digitalization. The study is devoted to the study of cardinal changes in the value foundations of human life in the political, social, economic and spiritual spheres. The article presents theoretical approaches to the problem of human value in the context of digitalization. The important features of values before and during the formation of a digital society have been comprehensively studied. Examples of specific value changes in the era of digitalization are given, which allows us to assess their uncertainty for social development. It also reveals the axiological problems of the existence of specific standards for measuring the value of people in the digital world.
Keywords: number, digital society, human value, human value, digital literacy, quality of education, artificial intelligence.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2023-10-03

Vol : 9
Issue : 9
Month : September
Year : 2023
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