Rowena A. Baloyo , Joriza Lou Trillanes
Associate Professor, Northeastern Mindanao State University, Philippines
This study explored the lived experiences of seven students to delved their issues and concerns during the pandemic and their coping mechanisms they adopted during the online classes. The researcher used in depth interview with the use of semi-structured interview questions of students real life during the pandemic.. The key informants were purposively selected students from North Eastern Mindanao State University with the following inclusion criteria: a) they must be a student who is currently enrolled in the semester and b) the modality of teaching in the current semester is through the use of online classes. The data were gathered through the use of recorded interviews which were analyzed through Thematic Analysis. Findings revealed the following issues associated with resiliency : 1) internet connectivity 2) flexibility to new learning modality 4) financial problems. As to their coping mechanisms, the following themes were revealed: 1) positive outlook 2) strong motivation 4) support from teachers Base on the findings, necessary steps should be undertaken in order to the students to cope up with the new learning modality. Since the mental health of the students also were affected likewise be conducted. Through this undertaking, students will be able to adjust or become resilient to cope up with adversities that affected their learning.
Keywords: resiliency, lived experiences, covid-19, phenomenological study method
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2023-12-02

Vol : 9
Issue : 11
Month : November
Year : 2023
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