Dr.Deoman S.Umbarkar
Department of Sociology, Late Vasantrao Kolhatkar Arts College, Rohana, Maharashtra
Most often under the term domestic violence, people denote physical or sexual coercion though this is a reasonable definition, domestic violence is a significantly wider term that requires clarification. Domestic violence is a narrower term for domestic abuse a behaviour pattern which implies controlling or dominating one person who is inmate relationship. It may have physical,emotional, sexual and economic aspects, sometimes combining several of them simultaneously. Most of all, it refers to emotional domestic violence, because they are more difficult to determine than physical or sexual abuse. Domestic violence refers not only to women or children. Men suffer from itas well. Mostly emotionally though cases of physical violence are not rare as well. The main fact to comprehend about an abusive relationship is that partner who acts as an aggressor will not change,and will not stop their insulting behaviour. The best option for people who suffer from a domestic violence is to break relationships. Domestic violence remains a significant social problem in many countries all over the world. Some of it is Forms are obvious (physical or sexual violence) others can be emotional or financial violence.Emotional abuse involves humiliating, threatening and manipulating while financial violence can express itself in a partner limiting the economic freedoms of the counterparts. In spite of the attention that has been paid to violence against women in recent years, the research endeavour is relatively young and much remains unknown. There really is no one field focused on violence against women per se. Many of the studies in this newly emerging field of research on violence against women are at an early stage of scientific rigor. The methodological weakness in the research on battering and rape has been discussed at length in other documents. Yet in spite of all the shortcomings, a lot has been learned about the extent of violence and about the effect on victims.
Keywords: physical,emotional, sexual and economic aspects, humiliating, threatening and manipulating
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-01-15

Vol : 10
Issue : 1
Month : January
Year : 2024
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