Dr. Humera Qureishi
IQAC Coordinator, Career College of Law, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Through the rich tapestry of contemporary Indian young adult fiction, where visionary writers emerge as architects of societal change and use words as tools for reflection and reform, take off on a transformative journey. Through a variety of perspectives, the narrative revolution is revealed and every writer adds their own distinctive mark to the dynamic canvas of Indian literature. One such author creates a complex narrative that defies stereotypes and breaks down conventional barriers in an intricate examination of love and identity. Another creatively defies graphic novel storytelling conventions, producing a visual and narrative feast that defies accepted writing practices. This literary panorama provides detailed explorations of individual aspirations intricately interwoven with cultural limitations, with a focus on the expectations placed on women by society. Characters contribute to the ongoing conversation about the shifting roles of women in contemporary India by balancing the weight of social norms with individual agency. Furthermore, a noteworthy contribution to the portrayal of LGBT identity serves as a beacon of understanding and inclusivity. The story invites readers to delve into the complex emotional aspects of queer experiences as it gently examines the complexities of identity crises. This work creates a more inclusive literary landscape by breaking new ground and igniting conversations about diversity and representation. Young adult fiction is experiencing a metamorphosis that goes beyond conventional narrative techniques, crafting literary environments that function as windows reflecting the myriad of human experiences. These cultural architects have a lasting influence that reaches beyond library walls and provides readers with a profound opportunity to reflect on their own journeys. These works become more than just stories because they transform societys values about acceptance, love and identity. They also show the boundless possibilities that lie between a books pages. The present research paper examines delves into the intricacies of gender and sexuality while highlighting innovative works that challenge preconceptions, break down barriers and change readers viewpoints.
Keywords: Contemporary, adult fiction, transformative, acceptance, gender and identity
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-02-08

Vol : 10
Issue : 2
Month : February
Year : 2024
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