Mohamed Naseef K
Research Scholar, Malayalam University , Tirur, Malappuram, Kerala
Climate change is a significant threat to sustainable development, affecting food security and agriculture livelihoods globally. South Asia has the highest proportion of vulnerable sectors. Climate change will negatively impact agricultural production and economics, with declining wheat yields and temperature inconsistencies causing significant yield declines. Adaptation and mitigation strategies are lacking, and South Asia faces challenges in doubling production by 2050. This paper examines the impact of climatic and non-climatic factors on agriculture, focusing on adaptation strategies like shifting planting dates, water-saving techniques, and strategic nutrient management. It highlights that many farmers are unaware of climate-resilient technologies. The study documented indigenous practices of paddy-growers in kuttanad, Kerala, India, to address the climate crisis using a cross-sectional and questionnaire-based survey, with 120 respondents selected for analysis using descriptive statistics. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics, and farmers were classified based on adoption scores using mean – S.D., mean ± S.D., and mean + S.D., using Microsoft Excel and SPSS Version 22.0. The main findings of the study includes that farmers in the study region are adopting different adaptation strategies due to their knowledge, expertise, resources, and lack of institutional frameworks. Interventions like improved technologies, training programs, research activities, and institutional frameworks can address these gaps. Education, outreach, and extension services can strengthen human capital and decision-making capacity. Paddy-growing farmers should adopt integrated farming systems for sustainable income and productivity. Crop insurance is crucial for coping with climate change. Data was analysed by making use of Garretts conversion table. The result revealed that weed problem is the most important problem among the cultivators which are caused due to climatic variations.
Keywords: highly vulnerable, climatic variation
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-02-17

Vol : 10
Issue : 2
Month : February
Year : 2024
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