Shushant Kumar Kushwaha
Research Scholar, Department of History of Art, Faculty of Arts, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
This empirical research paper undertakes a comparative examination of tourism development at Buddhist pilgrimage sites in Uttar Pradesh (UP) and Bihar, two Indian states steeped in historical and cultural significance within Buddhism. The study aims to assess and contrast the tourism infrastructure, visitor experiences, and socio-economic impacts of tourism development across selected Buddhist pilgrimage sites in both regions. Employing a mixed-methods approach comprising surveys, interviews, and site observations, this research offers a comprehensive analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges associated with tourism development in UP and Bihar. By identifying noteworthy practices and areas necessitating improvement, the paper furnishes practical recommendations aimed at fostering the sustainable advancement of Buddhist pilgrimage tourism in both states. Buddhist pilgrimage sites in UP and Bihar attract pilgrims and tourists from diverse cultural backgrounds, seeking spiritual enlightenment and historical insight. However, disparities in tourism infrastructure, accessibility, and visitor amenities may significantly influence the quality of experiences and economic outcomes for local communities. By examining these factors through a comparative lens, this study aims to provide a nuanced understanding of the underlying dynamics driving tourism development in UP and Bihar. The research methodology encompasses the utilization of surveys to gauge visitor satisfaction, interviews with tourism stakeholders to elucidate perspectives on tourism development, and on-site observations to assess infrastructure and management practices. These methods facilitate a comprehensive assessment of the tourism landscape in UP and Bihar, allowing for the identification of key drivers and impediments to sustainable tourism growth. Findings from this study will contribute valuable insights to policymakers, tourism authorities, and local communities involved in the management and promotion of Buddhist pilgrimage sites. By recognizing and leveraging best practices while addressing challenges specific to each state, stakeholders can formulate targeted strategies to enhance the overall visitor experience, promote community engagement, and maximize the socio-economic benefits of tourism development. This research endeavours to foster a more sustainable and inclusive approach to tourism development in UP and Bihar, thereby enriching the cultural heritage and economic vitality of these historically significant regions.
Keywords: Tourism development, Buddhist pilgrimage sites, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, comparative analysis, socio-economic impacts, sustainability
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-03-12

Vol : 10
Issue : 3
Month : March
Year : 2024
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