Ajishlin.P.S, Mukesh.P
St.Mother Theresa Engineering College, Vagaikulam, Thoothukudi
With the exponential rise in the human population and medical costs, public healthcare has received more and more attention. It is commonly recognized that a proficient health monitoring system has the ability to promptly identify irregularities in medical conditions and provide diagnoses based on the collected data. ECG monitoring is a key diagnostic tool that is extensively researched and used. But almost all of the portable ECG monitoring devices on the market today require a mobile application to function; this application handles data collecting and display. In this work, we suggest a novel approach to ECG monitoring that makes use of Internet-of-Things (IoT) technologies. Wearable monitoring nodes are used to collect ECG data, which are then wirelessly transferred to the Internet of Things cloud. The Internet of Things cloud uses both the HTTP and MQTT protocols to give consumers access to real-time and visually represented ECG data. The cross-platform problem has been significantly mitigated by the ease with which ECG data may be obtained by almost any smart terminal equipped with a web browser. To ensure that the system as a whole is reliable, experiments are conducted on healthy volunteers. Experimental results reveal that the proposed system is reliable in collecting and displaying real-time ECG data, The suggested system can help with the primary diagnosis of several heart disorders since it is dependable in gathering and presenting real-time ECG data, according to experimental results.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-03-30

Vol : 10
Issue : 3
Month : March
Year : 2024
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