Vidyashree, Varshny
St.Mother Theresa Engineering College, Vagaikulam, Thoothukudi
This paper presents strategies for assessment and independent control of voltage which is finished by an automated micro controller based security framework with thermistor. It used to really look at temperature alongside voltage insurance. The transformer utilized is copper cored and it works just on rotating current source. The thermistor is utilized to distinguish the temperature in instance of overheating or fire problems. GPS module is additionally used to mindful proprietor of the framework by sending the instant message on telephone in the event of recognition of any surprising action. Like low voltage, high voltage, high temperature. The principal challenge is to make a succession of codes for legitimate working.
Keywords: Microcontroller, Thermistor, Low Voltage, High Voltage, Arduino
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-03-30

Vol : 10
Issue : 3
Month : March
Year : 2024
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