N. Kodeeswaran, Dr.K.Murugavel
Department of Physical Education, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Position wise specific skill training is a program includes fitness and performance training designed specifically for athletic performance enhancement. One of the main benefits of utilizing position specific training drills within a training session is improving their positional sense. The study was designed to investigate the influence of position wise specific skill training on physical and functional (physiological) variables among school level football players. Methods To achieve the purpose of the study 60 school level football players were selected from various football academy in Coimbatore. Their aged of the subject ranged from 14 to 17 years. Selected subjects was randomly assigned to three equal groups (n=20), group I underwent forward specific skill training (FSST), group II underwent midfield specific skill training (MSST) and group III acted as defender specific skill training (DSST). The position wise specific skill training was given to the experimental group for 5 days per week for the period of 12 weeks. Soccer demands a wide range of motor skills and various physical attributes that include anaerobic metabolism, aerobic power, agility, speed, balance, and coordination that gives rise to a variety training methods (Araujo et al., 2016). Functional variables and physiological variables can be closely related, as functional variables often represent physiological parameters that indicate the state or performance of a biological system (Araujo et al., 2016). The following variables were measured with standard test items: Agility (4x10 meter shuttle run test), Balance (stork balance test) and Breath Holding Time (breath holding test).Pre and post test was conducted on separate days with warm up. Result The data was analyzed by applying dependent‘t test. The level of significance was set at 0.05. The position wise specific skill training had positive impact on agility, balance and breath holding time among school level football players. The result of the present study agility, balance and breath holding time speculated significant improvement due to the position wise specific skill training of school level football players. Conclusion The current findings provide a detailed description of the demands placed on elite football players, according to their positional role at different work intensities, which may be helpful in the development of individualized training programme for school level football players.
Keywords: Position wise specific skill training, forward, midfielder, defender, Agility, Balance Breath Holding Time and school level football players,
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-04-04

Vol : 10
Issue : 4
Month : April
Year : 2024
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