Dr. Basavanthrao patil , Dr. Shashikala. K
Department of Kriya Shareera SJG AMC Koppal, Karnataka, India
Healthy and unhealthy state of a human being depends on normal and abnormal functional state of Tridosha, considering the physiological importance of Dosha in maintenance of homeostasis of the body. Tridosha have been called as root (Dosha Dhatu Mala Moolam hi Shariram) of the body. All the functions of the body could be explained in terms of Dosha, Dhatu, and Mala. Panchamahabhuta are chief controllers of universe. By Loka purusha saamyavaada existence of entities in universe and living body is similar. Hence controllers in human body must also be Panchabhoutika. Since Dosha are functional representatives of Panchamahabhuta, they are controllers of body functions. They are structurally Panchabhoutika in nature. Synthesis of Dosha is brought about in two stages. Those synthesized in unicellular zygote and impress every cell after differentiation are Prakruta Dosha, which are decisive factors for body characteristics. Those synthesized from food material which control routine body metabolism are called Vaikrata Dosha, which are decisive factors for homeostasis. Both stages are observed in intra uterine as well as extra uterine life. Both these kinds of Dosha work in synergism to carry out all bodily functions. Vatadosha is divided into five types and These types are according to function, chief location etc. Similarly, Pitta as well as Kaphadosha are also divided into five types. Within limits Doshas are maintaining living body, as they maintain homeostasis. Doshas are only and direct responsible factors for genesis of diseases. Even though there are exogenous and endogenous etiological factors in pathogenesis, Ayurveda suggests that any cause leads to vitiation of Dosha in the first place and then next events start for generation of diseases. Doshas control other two entities namely Dhatu and Mala. Aim & Objectives: Observing the role of Doshas in health and disease conditions Materials and Methods: All the classical texts of Ayurveda with available commentaries, published research papers, PUB med, Google scholar, research Gate, subject related data on Internet and other sources were reviewed for the present study Results and Conclusion: The Doshas having the primary role in maintaining health and any disturbance in Doshas will causes disease
Keywords: Doshas, Ahara, vihara, Vikruti, vyadhi
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-05-03

Vol : 10
Issue : 4
Month : April
Year : 2024
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