Shruthi Stephen, Natalia Antonova, Eleesha Grace Varma
Carcinogenesis is one of the most significant research topics in the realm of occupational disorders. Substances with the potential to cause cancer are known as carcinogens. Carcinogens have a significant impact on public health and on worker safety. Worldwide, occupational exposure to carcinogens is a leading cause of mortality and disability, with an estimated 666,000 fatal work-related cancer cases occurring each year. The burden of occupational diseases is expected to increase in the future due to worker exposure to carcinogens, and occupational cancers are still cause for concern today. The objective of the study is to identify Occupational Carcinogens, to assess the epidemiological status of occupational cancer globally, to identify and assess the cancer risk and to determine which occupations have a potentially higher risk of developing cancer and to establish preventive measures for occupational cancers.
Keywords: Occupational diseases, Workplace cancer, Occupational cancer, Carcinogenesis, Occupational health hazard.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-05-16

Vol : 10
Issue : 5
Month : May
Year : 2024
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