Hanna Patricia R. De Ramos
Master in Public Administration, Laguna State Polytechnic University, Sta. Cruz, Laguna, Philippines
This study aimed to determine the level of employee performance in the public service during the calendar year 2023 – 2024. Involved in the study were one hundred twenty (120) employees from six (6) Local Government Units in Laguna and one hundred twenty clients (120) determined through random sampling. Descriptive quantitative research method was employed to determine the relationship of variables such as the demographic profile, the level of influence of identifying factors to the employees in terms of Organizational Culture, Training and Development, Employee Motivation and Job Satisfaction and the level of employee performance in terms of Customer Service, Responsibilities towards the organization, Ethical Conduct and Compassion. Data analysis shows that there are significant correlations between Organizational Culture, Training and Development, Employee Motivation, and Job Satisfaction with performance in areas such as Customer Service, Responsibilities Towards the Organization, Ethical Conduct, and Compassion. Responsibility Towards Organization showed positive relationships with Training and Development, Employee Motivation, and Job Satisfaction. These results provide valuable perspective on the factors impacting employee performance in public service in our society.
Keywords: Employee Performance, Public Service, Identifying Factors for Employee Performance
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-05-28

Vol : 10
Issue : 5
Month : May
Year : 2024
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