Ansona C. Arboiz, Grace O. Aoanan PhD
1. University of Mindanao Tagum College, Philippines, 2. University of Immaculate Conception, Philippines
This explanatory sequential mixed method study aimed to know the status and determine the influence of teacher efficacy and attitude in inclusive education to teachers readiness for inclusive education. The participants were the teachers from the public elementary schools in Region XI, Philippines, who were purposively selected. The researcher made use of validated adapted survey questionnaires and in-depth interview guide to collect relevant data. Mean, standard deviation, regression and thematic analysis were used to analyze the corresponding data gathered. In the quantitative phase, the findings revealed that the status of teacher efficacy with all the indicators: efficacy to use inclusive instruction, efficacy in managing behavior got a very high rating. The participants also rated very high as to the attitude in inclusive education with all its indicator: cognitive, affective and behavioral. As to the readiness for inclusive education, with all its indicators: curriculum instruction, curriculum content, assessment on students performance and evaluation and monitoring of students progress got a very high rating. It revealed further that both teacher efficacy and attitude in inclusive education significantly influence teachers readiness for inclusive education. It also showed that the two predictors combined had a significant influence on readiness for inclusive education. In the qualitative phase, for teacher efficacy, the themes emerged were: confirmed very high rating of efficacy to use inclusive instruction, confirmed very high rating on efficacy in collaboration, and confirmed very high rating on efficacy in managing behavior. For attitude in inclusive education, the themes emerge were: confirmed very high rating on affective, confirmed very high rating on cognitive and confirmed very high rating on behavioral. As to readiness for inclusive education, the themes emerged were: confirmed very high rating on curriculum instruction, confirmed very high rating on curriculum content, confirmed very high rating on assessment of students’ performance and confirmed very high rating on evaluating and monitoring students’ progress. Finally, findings of the integration revealed that the results of the two phases corroborated with each other, thus the nature of integration is connecting-merging. Participants confirmed that teacher efficacy is always evident, attitude of teachers toward inclusive education is always demonstrated and readiness for inclusive education is always observed. Based on the IDI and FGD, it could be gathered that the general assertions confirm the very high rating.
Keywords: Educational leadership, teacher efficacy, attitude in inclusive education, readiness for inclusive education, mixed methods, explanatory sequential design, Philippines
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-05-31

Vol : 10
Issue : 5
Month : May
Year : 2024
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