Dr. S.A. Mohamed Ali, Ms. Najma B
CMS Academy of Management & Technology, Coimbatore-49
UCBs is an umbrella term includes all type of UCBs functioning in India i.e., state owned, central and private owned. This study aimed to assess analyse the satisfaction experienced by the TUCBL customers. The article is ethnographic in nature, as it aims to analyse the satisfaction experienced by the TUCBL customers. The article is descriptive in nature and has used both qualitative and quantitative data for measuring the customers reaction towards the TUCBL services. Convenience sampling was applied by the authors for collection of data from 140 TUCBL customers. The study concluded that there exists gap between customers level of perception and satisfaction towards services offered by the urban co-operative banks. The samples were observed to be satisfied with the interest paid for their deposits, period of deposit holding and its maturity period. Similarly, there satisfaction level exceeds above their perception towards loans offered by TUCBL, physical feature of the TUCBL, routine customer service offered, counter service offered and customers guidance services offered by the bank. The study observed that customers perception towards staff behaviour has not meet to the satisfactory mark. The study suggests the TUCBL authorities to focus to bridging the gap between the customers perception and their satisfaction towards TUCBL services in order to attract more customers, to retain their existing customers and to earn new customers.
Keywords: Co-Operative Banks, Urban Co-Operative Bank, Customers Satisfaction
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-06-22

Vol : 10
Issue : 6
Month : June
Year : 2024
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