Sumantra Chakraborty , Dr. Arun Kumar Mandal, Prof (Dr.)Tuhinkumar Samanta
1 &3. Dept. of Education,The University of Burdwan,West Bengal, 2.Union Christian Training College, Berhampore, Murshidabad
In India the previous educational policies along with NEP-2020 advocates the universalisation of education and equal opportunities of education in every sphere. But the present-day scenario for women is quite different, especially in the rural parts of the State. Girls face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination in society which denies their Right to Education 21(A). At every transitional phase of education, the girls are segregated and face significant challenges in accessing equal and inclusive educational opportunities. Increase of numerical data in favour of girl child inclusion in educational sectors does not uphold equalization of education in its true sense. Those who are vulnerable and marginalised are more prone to be denied of their rights, in spite of having a good number of inclusiveness in the education sector in the last few years. The present article seeks to find out the answer of few pertinent questions regarding equal opportunity of girl education in India. Policies ensuring enrolment only and not preparing a balanced society may spoil the true spirit of equal opportunity concept. This cannot define equality as a whole, until it satisfies the parameters of quality education and empowerment, which uphold women in the same strata with that of male counterparts. This article envisages the problems and challenges faced by women in gaining equal opportunity of education.
Keywords: Empowerment, Equal opportunity, Gender, Psycho-physical, NEP-2020, Inclusive
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-06-29

Vol : 10
Issue : 6
Month : June
Year : 2024
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