Dr. Sreedevi V P , Dr. Aiswarya Babu
Assistant Professor, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Nandha Ayurveda Medical College, Erode. Tamil Nadu
The history of Ayurveda stretches back to the very origins of the universe. The term "brihattrayi," meaning "the trio of the old/mature," refers to the foundational texts that have shaped the Ayurvedic medical system. Key works such as the Charaka and Sushruta Samhitas have undergone various revisions, including Pratisamskara, Pathashuddhi, and Sampurana. A detailed examination of these ancient texts can reveal how Ayurvedic concepts and practices have evolved over time. The concept of Ahara and Ahara Kalpana, for example, has developed significantly. Sutrasthana, one of the texts in the Brihattrayi, contains most of the descriptions related to Ahara Kalpanas, which are categorized as Kritanna and include various types of culinary items (Ahara Varga). While the original authors only briefly covered some Kalpanas and their preparation methods, later commentators expanded on these descriptions. Successive scholars, from Charaka and Sushruta to Vagbhatta, introduced modifications and integrations. Vagbhatta, for instance, merged the teachings of Sushruta and Charaka and introduced new concepts for describing Ahara Kalpanas. Bhavaprakash further developed these ideas and added descriptions of new Ahara Kalpanas. Thus, studying the evolution of Ahara Kalpana provides insight into the comprehensive development of food preparation techniques and culinary skills for both therapeutic and preventative purposes.
Keywords: Ahara Kalpana, Kritanna, Brihattrayi
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-08-01

Vol : 10
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2024
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