Saira Lyn Javines Obrador
Laguna State Polytechnic University , Sta. Cruz Laguna 4009 Philippines
This research aimed to determine the significant effect of the teacher factors, student factors, and environmental factors affecting the writing skills of the students. The result of this study will be the basis of an intervention plan for the students. This study is a descriptive survey type of research where quantitative data were obtained using the survey questionnaires as the main instruments. These survey questionnaires were divided into three main parts: the teachers’ factor, students factor, and environmental factor on the writing skills of the students. Likewise, a researcher made rubric was used to determine the level of writings skills of the students. The respondents of this study was all eighteen (n=18) junior and senior high school teachers and ninety-six (n=96) senior high school students from different schools in Unisan District, Unisan, Quezon. The results indicate that despite variations in experiences, the teachers demonstrate a high level of teaching skills and subject matter knowledge, indicating their effectiveness in facilitating writing skill development among students. Student perceived themselves as motivated, having a high positive attitude towards writing, showing interest in writing activities, achieving academically, and possessing learning styles conducive to writing instruction. The students perceive their classroom environment and parental involvement favorably in relation to their writing skills. Likewise, it implies the physical learning environment, availability of resources, management practices, and parental involvement support for their writing development. There is room for improvement in each aspect of writing skills, with the satisfactory to very satisfactory level of performance suggests that students possess a foundation upon which further development can be built. It was revealed that there is a significant effect of the teacher factors, student factors, and environmental factors in the level of writing skills of the students. There is room for improvement in each aspect of writing skills that students possess a foundation upon which further development can be built and based on the level of writing skills of the students and significant effects of various factors on students' writing skills. The findings underscore that despite the high level of teaching skills exhibited by the teachers, ongoing professional development programs should be implemented. Teachers should continue fostering intrinsic motivation among students by providing opportunities for autonomy, mastery, and purpose in their writing tasks. Teachers should continue emphasize on writing instruction, varied teaching strategies, and ongoing support for students’ growth that can empower them to become confident and improve their level of writing skills across various contexts and disciplines and propose an intervention plan that provides a structured framework for addressing the identified areas of improvement in students' writing skills. By implementing targeted strategies, providing individualized support, and fostering a collaborative learning environment, teachers can empower students to build upon their existing foundation and achieve higher levels of proficiency in writing.
Keywords: determinants, writing skills, intervention plan
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-08-14

Vol : 10
Issue : 8
Month : August
Year : 2024
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