Danica Marie E. Titan
Laguna State Polytechnic University , Sta. Cruz Laguna 4009 Philippines
Araling Panlipunan teachers face challenges in selecting teaching strategies that cater to students’ needs, interests, and subject complexity, as social studies often focus on memorization. This study aims to determine the effect of augmented peer-learning on Grade 9 students in teaching Araling Panlipunan 9. It sought to find the following: the level of use of Jigsaw Technique; Augmented Peer-Learning; knowledge acquisition; pre-test and post-test scores with the use of augmented peer-learning. It also to apprehend the significant effect between different types of jigsaw technique and augmented peer-learning on knowledge acquisition. Lastly, to get the differences between pre- and post-test scores before and after using jigsaw technique. This study utilized descriptive research design to compare the scores of the respondents before and after the intervention. The instrument used in the study was validated self-made questionnaire consisted of five questiond per variable. Respondents are one hundred twenty-one (121) Grade 9 students who are purposively selected at Ibayiw Integrated National High School Alaminos, Laguna. Result shows that the different types of jigsaw satisfactorilyn terms of chronological, procedural, and model/human, are all very high; augmented peer-learning in terms of active participation, engagement and motivation, diversity and inclusion, and adaptability are all very high; knowledge acquisition in terms of visual literacy, critical thinking, and collaboration were all very high; pre-test scores suggest that most of students performed fairly satisfactorily; post-test scores most of the students performed satisfactory. Also, substantial improvement in the students’ performance in Araling Panlipunan. Therefore, there is a significant difference between students’ pre-test and post-test scores. In addition, among the components of Augmented Peer Learning, Visual Literacy showed a notable significant effect. Lastly, Human Model and Chronological types of Jigsaw Technique showed a significant effect on the knowledge acquisition of the students. Moreover, it shows that significant difference on pre-test and post-test were identified and the significant effect as well on augmented peer-learning and jigsaw technique on knowledge acquisition. Therefore, all the hypotheses were rejected. This means that augmented peer-learning is beneficial in teaching Araling Panlipunan 9 and it will help the learners to express their ideas freely and show their uniqueness in learning. Findings have been gathered, and recommendations for consideration have been made. The study was confined to four parts thus, more research is necessary to be carried out in the future to get more precise and reliable findings.
Keywords: teaching strategies; students’ needs; subject complexity
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-08-14

Vol : 10
Issue : 8
Month : August
Year : 2024
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