Marlyn Imperio Legaspi
Laguna State Polytechnic University , Sta. Cruz Laguna 4009 Philippines
This study on the use of animated clips as supplementary materials to improve viewing comprehension of Grade 7 English Learners implemented in the scenario of the English Curriculum subject where there are no suggested and approved video animated materials to be used by Grade 7 English Teachers to aid their English Lessons with viewing comprehension that are aligned to the English 7 Most Essential Learning Competencies were considered in determining the significant effects of self-designed animated clips in the viewing comprehension of Grade 7 English students at Dayap National High School for the academic year 2023-2024. Descriptive research design was unutilized for the pretest and posttest and in describing the level of the significant effects of self-designed animated clips in the viewing comprehension. Purposive-Stratified sampling technique was used to obtain one hundred fifty 150 respondents from Grade-7 English students i.e., thirty-seven 37 to forty 40 students from each Grade-7 class. Analysis revealed that the animated clips as supplementary material resulted in very high ratings. The level of viewing comprehension of learners with the used of self-animated clips on English Lessons indicated a significant progress on all types of comprehension. This means that learners have great capacity for growth and development throughout the weeks. Therefore, using animated-clips and viewing lessons and activities help learners develop ability to analyze and enhance their viewing skills. The level of the students’ pre-test and post-test resulted in a great improvement from Good into Very Good and Outstanding stages. The test of difference between the pretest and posttest revealed that there is a significant difference between the level of students’ viewing comprehension in English. Nevertheless, the study showed that Animated Clips affects the students’ viewing comprehension of the subject. With the use of the self-animated clips for four weeks the researcher found out that there is a significant difference on assessment scores for each week, indicating improvement in student’s performance on their English Class. This implied the effectiveness of the used of self-animated clips employed during the study in enhancing learner’s learning and understanding and be able to apply their knowledge and skills to different types of comprehension tasks. Based on the results and conclusion, it is recommended that English teachers may integrate the use of their self-designed animated clips in their English lessons because it can be of great help to improve the viewing comprehension of their learners. English teachers can showcase animated clips and other related learning tools for an innovative learning approach. It can also be one of the topics worth sharing on a series of webinars to ensure the learning quality to the students.
Keywords: animated clips;supplementary materials; viewing comprehension
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-08-14

Vol : 10
Issue : 8
Month : August
Year : 2024
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