Hydelisa R. Trofeo
Faculty, Laguna State Polytechnic University
The main objective of this study was to investigate how the track and strand taken by the senior high school graduates as well as their learning attributes affect their level of success (academic or career). Also, it aimed to determine the following: the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of their track and strand; their learning attributes in terms of teachers’ competency, students’ competency, and learning environment; and the graduates’ level of success in terms of academic or career success. The respondents of the study were forty (40) senior high school graduates from Sta. Catalina Integrated National High School. Descriptive-correlational design was used, and data was gathered using a validated survey-questionnaire. Then, data was tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted. Results showed that the number of Academic and TVL graduates are equal, but in terms of strand, most of the respondents came from the General Academic Strand. It was also revealed that the senior high school graduates have experienced a very high level of teachers’ competency, achieved very high level of students’ competency, and very high level of learning environment. As for the academic success, data confirmed that the senior high school graduates have a very high level on it. A very high interpretation was also revealed by the data as deemed by the graduates in terms of the level of career success. Using regression analysis, a significant effect was proven with regards to the effect of demographic profile in terms of track and strand on the level of Senior High School graduates’ academic success contrary to the not significant effect of demographic profile in terms of track and strand on the level of Senior High School graduates’ career success. For the effect of students’ learning attributes on the level of senior high school graduates’ success, a significant analysis was obtained evidently on the values; teachers’ competency, students’ competency, and learning environment. Inversely, a not significant analysis was obtained on the effect Students’ Learning attributes in terms of teachers’ competency, students’ competency, and learning environment, on the level of the senior high school graduates’ level of career success. Therefore, this study concludes that the track and strand taken by SHS graduates does not have a significant effect towards their academic success and a not significant effect towards their career success. It is then recommended to conduct more studies to further explore underlying factors that affect the career success of the graduates. On the other hand, a significant analysis was also obtained on the effect of Students’ learning attributes in terms of teachers’ competency, students’ competency, and learning environment, on the level of the senior high school graduates’ level of academic success. Inversely, a not significant analysis was obtained on the effect Students’ Learning attributes in terms of teachers’ competency, students’ competency, and learning environment, on the level of the senior high school graduates’ level of career success. As a conclusion, SHS tracking and learning attributes affects the academic success but not the career success of the senior high school graduates.
Keywords: Learning attributes, teachers’ competency, students’ competency, learning environment, academic success, career success
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-08-22

Vol : 10
Issue : 8
Month : August
Year : 2024
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