Jean Paul Villanueva Banay
Faculty, Laguna State Polytechnic University
This study aimed to determine the relation between teacher’s career fulfillment and his professional skills and job performance. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following: The demographic profile of the teachers; the level of teacher’s career fulfillment; the teacher’s professional skills; and job performance. Also, it identified the significant relationship between demographic profile on teacher’s professional skills and job performance as well as the significant relationship between teacher's career fulfillment on teacher's professional skills and job performance.
The study was conducted to prove that there was a significant difference between the following variables. The respondents of the study were composed of one hundred (100) elementary teachers at Pila Sub-Office to determine the significant relation between teacher’s demographic profile and career fulfillment to their professional skill and job performance. In this study, purposive random sampling method was used in choosing the respondents. The researcher used a self-made questionnaire validated by different experts from Pila Sub-Office and distributed within Pila Sub-Office.
The findings of the study from the demographic profile of elementary teachers in Pila Sub-Office reveal interesting insights on the characteristics and diversity of respondents such as: in terms of age, it was observed that majority of the respondents fall within the middle-aged bracket; as to sex, the composition of respondents is predominantly female; for length of service, most of them are more than 10 years in service; and for position, generally are proficient teachers. The study’s findings shows that teacher career fulfillment reflecting aspects such as salary, working conditions, workload, benefits, recognition, and support systems. These elements collectively contribute to the overall interpretation of a teacher feeling “Fulfilled” in their professional role.
Analysis of data regarding teachers' perceptions of their professional skills, which include organizational, human relations, communication, and leadership skills, reveals that educators at Pila Sub-Office are categorized as being “highly skilled” in these areas. In terms of the teachers' job performance, it is worth noting their IPCRF rating which reflects a mean value suggesting that their performance can be characterized as "Very Satisfactory" illustrates a high level of performance.
Teacher's professional skill and job performance are not significantly related to their demographic profile, suggesting that personal demographics do not determine teaching effectiveness. Based on the correlation analysis done on these variables, there is no substantial association between a teacher's professional skill and job performance and their level of career satisfaction. This suggests that these elements may affect teachers' overall sense of fulfillment, better performance is not a direct result of them.
Based on the findings and conclusions in the study the author suggest that future researchers may continue to study teacher’s career fulfillment on different levels and may include additional factors that affects the work environment. Officials and administrators of the Department of Education may use the data collected in this study as basis for future study and formulation of new policies aimed at enhancing teacher fulfillment and professional growth.
Keywords: teacher’s career fulfillment; professional skills; job performance
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)
Published on : 2024-08-22
Vol | : | 10 |
Issue | : | 8 |
Month | : | August |
Year | : | 2024 |