Joecel Mar B. Ambid
Faculty, Laguna State Polytechnic University
This study investigated the impact of proactive leadership on teachers' work motivation and performance, focusing on behaviors such as innovativeness, problem-solving, adaptability, continuous learning, and empowerment. Using a quantitative approach, the study involved 141 public school teachers in Victoria Sub-Office, School Division of Laguna, with a survey-questionnaire refined by experts. This study looks into two aspects of work motivation among teachers i.e., intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Moreover, the study will assess these factors in relation to task performance, contextual performance, and adaptive performance. This study aims to provide significant insights for educational leaders, legislators, and administrators by examining the relationship between proactive leadership and teacher performance. Statistical analysis revealed that teachers positively perceived their school heads' proactive leadership, indicating a culture that encourages innovation, problem-solving, adaptability, continuous learning, and empowerment. Teachers showed strong intrinsic motivation but slightly lower extrinsic motivation, driven by personal fulfillment and professional growth alongside job security and respect. Performance assessments indicated high task, contextual, and adaptive performance, reflecting teachers' competence and effectiveness. While proactive leadership overall significantly impacted motivation and performance, specific dimensions like adaptability negatively relate to motivation, and individual attributes do not significantly influence performance variance. Proactive leadership significantly impacted teachers' work motivation and performance, rejecting the null hypothesis. While proactive leadership overall influenced these outcomes, specific dimensions showed varying effects. Adaptability negatively relates to motivation, and individual attributes like innovativeness and problem-solving did not significantly influenced performance variance. Teachers may engage with proactive leadership initiatives to enhance motivation and performance. School heads should prioritize proactive leadership strategies, focusing on adaptability and continuous learning. Future research should explore how specific proactive leadership dimensions influence teacher outcomes for further insights.
Keywords: impact; proactive leadership; teachers' work motivation
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-08-22

Vol : 10
Issue : 8
Month : August
Year : 2024
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