Shreya M Bangre , Muttappa Totad , Vasantha B, Harshitha.G
SDM College Of Ayurveda and Hospital Hassan, Karnataka, India
Female infertility is defined as failure to conceive after frequent unprotected sexual intercourse for one or two years in couple who are in their reproductive age group. Metabolic Disorders reported in the reproductive age fall under a cluster of endocrine disturbances including PCOS, obesity, dyslipidaemia, and insulin resistance (Diabetes). Women with metabolic disorders are more common for infertility affecting 6% to 12% (as many as 5 million) women of reproductive age. Female infertility is raised to the alarming extent due to diet and lifestyle modifications. Over few past times, fertility treatment has expanded to Hormonal therapy, In vitro Fertilization i.e., IVF, Embryo Transfer i.e., ET, Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer i.e. GIFT etc are very expensive but they give unsatisfactory results along with lots of side effects like ovarian hyperstimulation, frequent abortion and major possibility of long-term ovarian cancer. As Ayurveda emphasizes specific role of Ritu (time of conception), Kshetra (reproductive organs), Ambu (nourishment) and Beeja (seeds i.e.; ovum and sperm) towards the healthy progeny and any vitiation in these factors leads to infertility. Based on the dosha involved, the treatment is aimed at pacifying the Kapha Dosha, by making Vata Anulomana and increasing the Pitta Guna. Shodhana and Rasayana chikitsa helps to focus on reproductive system along with psychological aspect of reproductive health which results in holistic solution of the problem through regulation of menstruation, stimulates ovulation and it also helps to overcome hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance and obesity associated with infertility
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-09-05

Vol : 10
Issue : 9
Month : September
Year : 2024
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