Antonette A. Baladjay
Faculty, Laguna State Polytechnic University
This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of HOPE: (Helping little One Progress in English) English worksheets for key stage one Learners of Ulango Elementary School towards Reading Literacy. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following: the acceptability of English worksheet components and characteristics to reading proficiency, the significant effect of English worksheet between components and characteristics on the reading Literacy of key stage one pupils. In this study, descriptive method of research was used to examine the effectiveness of HOPE: English worksheet for key stage one learners of Ulango Elementary School in SDO- Calamba City. Based on the given findings, the acceptability of reading English worksheet as to components in terms of topics, objectives, exercises, and assessments were very high. Also, the acceptability of reading English worksheet as to characteristics in terms of clarity, usability, and richness were also very high. In addition, the level of reading literacy in terms of phonemic, word recognition, comprehension, and fluency was all remarked as very satisfactory except for vocabulary with a remark of outstanding. Furthermore, a significant effect was found on English Reading Literacy using HOPE: English worksheets. Based on the findings, it is concluded that there is a significant effect on the English Reading Proficiency of key stage one pupils using HOPE: English worksheets. Thus, the hypothesis stating that, “there is no significant effect the Reading Proficiency of Key Stage One Pupils of Ulango Elementary School” were rejected. Based on the drawn conclusion, it is recommended that: Parents, Teachers, School Head or Principals may choose English Reading Worksheets to properly teach primary learners in the Reading English as an emergent Readers; and The findings of the study encourage to create an opportunity to extend the continual learning of the students by giving seminars about Hope English Worksheet to the teachers in Reading Literacy which would help the learners to learn independently.
Keywords: HOPE; English worksheet; reading proficiency
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-09-10

Vol : 10
Issue : 9
Month : September
Year : 2024
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