Denver Mark Semilla Mariano
Faculty, Laguna State Polytechnic University
The aim of this study is to determine the principals’ managerial socio-cultural skills: It’s impact on the senior high school’s performance. This study aimed to determine the level of principal managerial skills; socio-cultural skills; senior high school performance. Also, the significant relationship between principal managerial skills and school performance, moreover significant relationship between principals’ socio-cultural skills and school performance. The descriptive designed to gather information about present and existing conditions. Is determined and reported the way things were. The descriptive method appeared to be the most appropriate one for this study. The respondents of this study will be consisted of Stand Alone Senior High School consist of 187 teachers in Divisions of Laguna, Province of Laguna. A research made – questionnaire was employed as part of the instrument in gathering the data and validated by selected master/head teacher in different schools in Division of Laguna. The statistical treatment of the data was used to compute, weighted mean and standard deviation for determine the level and Pearson-r Correlation also used to determine the significant relationship, then analyze and interpret the data given by the respondents. The results reveal that the level of principals’ managerial skills was verbal interpretation of very high. Also, the level of principal in socio-cultural skills was verbal interpreted of very high. This suggests that they support integrating managerial and socio-cultural skills into the school that can benefit the school head leadership. This indicates that Education Leaders must commit to and encourage their subordinates and personnel in promoting harmonious relationship and good camaraderie among themselves. The level of senior high school performance across the school year was most of them slightly fluctuates, which means during the last three school years the senior high schools school performance in the entire of division of laguna was decrease, maybe one of the reasons for the decrease is that the pandemic had an effect on the students as well as on the parents. The significant relationship between principals’ managerial skills and school performance shows that nine of them got significant while the rest are not significant, which means accept the null hypothesis. Lastly the relationship between principals’ socio-cultural skills and school performance, receive most of them not significant while every school performance got significant for every variable, which means the null hypothesis is accepted. Relationship Between Principals’ Managerial Skills and Senior High School Performance is found significant with regards the relationships among interpersonal skills, promotion rate, retention rate, and awards received. Significant correlations were identified between communication and motivation, graduation rate, and awards received. A very weak negative relationship was found between organization and delegation skills and graduation rate, implying that lower proficiency in organization and delegation may lead to higher graduation rates. The forward planning and strategic thinking and problem solving and decision-making have significant correlation for graduation rate and awards received respectively. Relationship Between Principals’ Socio-Cultural Skills and Senior High School Performance. The negative relationships observed between valuing diversity, speech etiquette, cultural knowledge and religious beliefs, suggest that there may be factors related to socio- cultural competencies that are associated with student outcomes. Principals who demonstrate higher levels of these skills may need to consider strategies to lessen any negative effects on graduation and completion rates. Conversely, the positive relationship between cultural knowledge and enrollment rate highlights the importance of nurturing cultural understanding and inclusivity within educational institutions, potentially leading to increased student enrollment, in all the verbal interpretation was very high and accept the null hypothesis. Based on the findings the following conclusions and recommendations were drawn: The study recommend that the principals may encourage collaboration among teacher associations and emphasize the significance of motivation during the crisis; The study suggests that school principals act as leaders with a shared vision among and with the other organization and an administrative delegate from the education ministry; The study suggest that the school heads should not only rely their competencies based on their ability to adapt, decide, plan, and implement. Rather, they should base their decisions on what is legal and what is right; The study suggests that the school principal should gain a deeper understanding of the specific roles and responsibility of being a school head for the improvement of the school performance; The study suggests that the school principal may share a wide array of societal and cultural knowledge to his subordinates; The findings of the study suggest serving as a valuable reference for future researchers with similar goals and ideas. It provides a foundation for further exploration and research in the role and responsibility of a school principal.
Keywords: principals’ managerial socio-cultural skills; impact; senior high school’s performance
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-09-10

Vol : 10
Issue : 9
Month : September
Year : 2024
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