Melissa Ann Bermejo Isip
Faculty, Laguna State Polytechnic University
This study investigates the effects of parent’s strategies and processes on students’ behavior and achievement in private schools. It seeks to find and answer the level of parent’s strategies, parents’ processes, student’s academic behavior, and student’s achievement. The significant effect of parents’ strategies and processes on student’s academic behavior and student’s achievement were evaluated. Descriptive design and quantitative approach is utilized to analyze the data systematically. A survey and a self-made questionnaire using a 5-point Likert scale are used. The respondents of the study involved one hundred (100) parents of students in private schools located in Pila, Laguna. The study revealed that the level of learner’s parent’s strategies and parent’s processes are classified as Very High. Results also show that the student’s academic behavior are at a Very High level. Concerning the level of student’s achievement in terms of grades was Outstanding. It is also found that the parents’ strategies and processes have significant effect on student’s academic behavior and the effect of parents’ strategies and processes on student’s achievement was demonstrated to be not significant. It is revealed that there is significant effect between parent’s strategies and processes on student’s academic behavior; hence, the hypothesis is rejected. Schools and teachers should cooperate to provide a suitable learning environment, involve parents in learning activities, and fund parental training programs as additional studies expose effective strategies. It was also concluded that there is no significant effect between parents’ strategies and processes on student’s achievement; therefore, the hypothesis is accepted. Schools and educators should reevaluate their strategies for including parents, considering factors such as the effectiveness of instruction, the availability of resources, student motivation, the influence of peers, and socioeconomic position. An individualized approach may yield better results as students respond differently to support, highlighting the necessity for a more focused method. Based on the result of the study, it was recommended that school administrators may design programs or workshops that aims to educate parents about effective strategies and processes that can positively influence their children’s academic outcomes. Teachers may provide resources or suggestions for parents on how they can actively engage in their child’s learning process and collaborate with parents to set academic goals and track progress, ensuring alignment between home and school expectations. Addition to this, parents may implement strategies at home that promote positive academic behavior, such as establishing routines, setting achievable goals, and providing a conducive study environment.
Keywords: parent’s strategies and processes; students’ behavior; private schools
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-09-11

Vol : 10
Issue : 9
Month : September
Year : 2024
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