S.Gobika, V.Ajeethkumar, Priyanka Santhosh, Dr.D.Rajkumar, Dr.A.JanyGiles, S.Ragulrathinam, A.Sriram, G.Yuvaraj
Department of Agricultural Engineering, RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India -641 402
Insects are known as one of the most successful class of animals on earth, being a major player in the ecosystem. The economic importance of insects encompasses both their negative and positive importance. Often found on leaves, flowers and stems of crop plants, insects cause both direct (eat the leaves, fruits or vegetables of crop plants and many times too, do destroy the crops prior to fruiting) and indirect damage (transmit infections; viral, bacterial and fungal) to crops. Some insects are predaceous, they feed upon and destroy a large number of injurious insects. Stagomantis, a mantis is voracious, it feeds on flies, grasshoppers and caterpillars, some of which are injurious to crops. The larvae and adults of Chilomenes, a lady-bird beetle, feed on aphids which infect cotton plants. Novius, a lady-bird bettle, destroys scale worms which are pests of orange and lemon trees. Epicauta is a blister beetle, it deposits eggs where locusts occur, the larvae on hatching enter egg capsules of locusts and eat up masses of eggs. Calasoma, a ground beetle preys upon many kinds of lepidopterous larvae which destroy cereals and cotton.
Keywords: Honey bees, honey products, venom, royal jelly, pollen, propolis
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-10-25

Vol : 10
Issue : 10
Month : October
Year : 2024
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