Mrs. Ambhore Vandana J
Librarian, Government Law College Mumbai (MS) India
A library is a place where you can find many types of information, both in print and digital forms. It's a key source of knowledge, making this information easy to access for its users through different formats, including books, magazines, research reports, e-books, and e-journals in CD-ROM and online formats. Libraries are always adding new materials to their collections while also working to keep them safe for the future. To do this, they use a strong security system. The main goal of this security is to protect all library items from harm. In the past, libraries had limited access, so staff would bring materials to users instead of allowing them to go into the stacks. This was thought to prevent theft because users couldn't directly access the materials. However, this changed to include a security guard at the exit to prevent items from being hidden. As libraries became more open, allowing users to freely browse and select materials, new problems like theft and damage appeared. To tackle these issues, libraries are now focusing on electronic security systems, which are seen as more effective than old methods. This shift has led to many libraries adopting electronic security to better protect their collections. This paper explores the different tools and techniques used to ensure library security and discusses the reasons behind library security, the role of library staff, and the challenges they face.
Keywords: Library Security, Library Security Tools, Definition of security terms, Type of Library Security tools, Security Manager, security planning
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-11-11

Vol : 10
Issue : 11
Month : November
Year : 2024
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