Daphne M. Legaspino LPT Ph.D, Pilar B. Acorda DME
1.St. Mary’s College of Tagum, Inc., National Highway, Tagum City, 8100, Philippines, 2.St. Paul University Philippines, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines
This study aspired to uncover motivated strategies for self-regulated learning in calculus in relation to selected variables – attitude towards technology and academic performance in calculus. This study used the mixed method approach. The participants of this study were the engineering students in two private schools of Tagum City, enrolled during the S.Y. 2022-2023 comprised of 321 students as the sample size, utilizing a stratified random sampling technique.. Mean, T-test, Pearson-r and Thematic Analysis were the statistical tools being used in interpreting the data gathered. Findings were, self-regulated learning is manifested in almost all occasions, motivated strategies for learning calculus is observed, there is no significant difference on the level of motivated strategies for learning calculus of the participants when analyzed according to gender but found significance when grouped according to school, attitude towards technology is manifested, there is no significant difference on the level of attitude towards technology of the participants when analyzed according to gender and school, the academic performance of the participants in calculus meets the expectations in some occasions, there is no significant difference on the level of academic performance of the participants when analyzed according to gender and school, there is a significant relationship between motivated strategies and self-regulated learning in calculus, there is a significant relationship between motivated strategies for learning calculus and attitude towards technology, there is a significant relationship between motivated strategies and academic performance in calculus and there are four (4) major themes about problems and challenges encountered in learning calculus emerged from the participants: 1) Lack of knowledge of the concepts; 2) Poor application; 3) Complicated formulas and processes; and 4) Confusion in understanding mathematical problems. Based on the findings, students may adjust for the strategies that they used in the acquisition of learning. Teachers are encouraged to continuously monitor students’ progress, especially on academic performance for them to create suitable interventions and cater to the learners needs to increase students’ academic performance. Understanding the level of these areas may help to strengthen effectiveness of mathematical learning in calculus as well as to increase academic performance among engineering students.
Keywords: Academic Performance in Calculus, Attitude Towards Technology, Motivated Strategies for learning, Self-Regulated Learning in Calculus, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-11-18

Vol : 10
Issue : 11
Month : November
Year : 2024
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