Ahmed Adan Abdikadir, Eunice Gacheri Thiankolu
1.School of Business and Economics, Mt. Kenya University, 2.School of Business, Kenya Methodist University, Kenya
Particularly in areas impacted by political instability, social unrest, or ongoing conflict, the effect of kidnappings and terror acts on employee wellness has grown in importance.Terrorist acts are taking place in many parts of the world and the bombing of government buildings, multinational companies, the kidnapping of passenger airplanes and ships; Diplomatic representations, airports, shopping centers, sometime the attack that attacks are conducted against the subway and train stations, government officials, the kidnapping of diplomats and businessmen, or in different ways, such as the assassination of these people and the confrontation of international community. In response to this wave of crime, the governments have put in place measures which include establishing the anti-terrorism police unit and increasing awareness of the public on the dangers of terrorism. Despite the effort, there are still major milestones to be made in the fight against terrorism. Therefore, the study sought to establish the effect of bombing attacks on employees’ wellbeing in Wajir County. The main objective was to establish the effect of bombing attacks on employees’ welfare. The study was guided by Rational Choice Theory. The target population for the study was top level management, middle level management and senior employees which consist of 200 employees in the Security Agencies. Stratified random sampling was used to sample individuals from the various groups; the study had a sample size of 60 respondents distributed equally among the three-government department. The study used primary data which was largely quantitative and descriptive in nature and a five-point questionnaire was the research instruments. Descriptive design and inferential analysis was used for data analysis. From the findings, there was a statistically significant relationship between kidnapping attacks and employees’ wellbeing in Wajir County, Kenya (P<0.05). Based on the findings, it was recommended that more stringent policies and measures should be directed into reducing the kidnapping attacks in Wajir County and Kenya at large. Future Research gaps were suggested and will act as a reference point to other researchers on similar topics.
Keywords: Kidnapping Attacks, Terrorism, Employee Wellbeing
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-11-25

Vol : 10
Issue : 11
Month : November
Year : 2024
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