Dr.Sunil.S.Jaybhaye, Pooja P. Ambhure, Aarti G. Hingmire, Ashwini R Shelke, Bhagwat S.Gabale
Institute of Pharmacy, Badnapur , Maharashtra
Over 230 million individuals worldwide suffer from asthma, an obstructive lung condition that significantly increases morbidity in patients of all ages. It is a diverse illness with a complicated phenomenology and pathogenesis. Variable airflow obstruction and airway hyper responsiveness are the condition’s hallmarks, and the diagnosis is reached after a comprehensive history and physical examination. It’s critical to recognize the severity of the illness, and treatment focuses on managing symptoms. Asthma is a prevalent inflammatory illness of the airways that contributes significantly to global hospitalization and medical expenses. Due to uneven adherence to established recommendations, there are significant differences in the diagnosis and management of acute asthma exacerbations. In addition to discussing standard and cutting-edge therapy options for refractory cases, we will also examine the evidence, guidelines, clinical presentation, risk factors, and management of acute asthma exacerbations. A summary of recent research and recommendations for the proper diagnosis and treatment of asthma are given in this article.Ayurvedic treatment is found to be beneficial over other treatments. Ayurvedic ingredients like saffron , clove ,nutmeg, paper longum and musk fenugreek are effective for the asthma.
Keywords: Bronchodilators, steroids, eosinophils, bronchial asthma
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-11-26

Vol : 10
Issue : 11
Month : November
Year : 2024
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