Mr.Abhishek R. Vanjare, Dr.Swati Rawat, Dr. Sunil S. Jaybhaye, Ms.Ashwini.J.Bahir, Mr.Sharad.P.Kanhere
Institute of Pharmacy, Badnapur, Dist. Jalna, Maharashtra
Artificial Intelligence (AI) focuses in producing intelligent modelling, which helps in imagining knowledge, cracking problems and decision making. Recently, AI plays an important role in various fields of pharmacy like drug discovery, drug delivery formulation development, polypharmacology, hospital pharmacy, etc. Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool that harnesses anthropomorphic knowledge and provides expedited solutions to complex challenges. Remarkable advancements in AI technology and machine learning present a transformative opportunity in the drug discovery, formulation, and testing of pharmaceutical dosage forms. By utilizing AI algorithms that analyze extensive biological data, including genomics and proteomics, researchers can identify disease-associated targets and predict their interactions with potential drug candidates. This enables a more efficient and targeted approach to drug discovery, thereby increasing the likelihood of successful drug approvals. Furthermore, AI can contribute to reducing development costs by optimizing research and development processes.
Keywords: Artifical Intilligence, Type, Advantages, disadvantages, Technology,Pharmacology,Pharmacokinetics,Pharmacodyanani, Pharmacovigilance, Machine learning, Future.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2024-11-27

Vol : 10
Issue : 11
Month : November
Year : 2024
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