Dr. A. Fazlunnisa
Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Texcity Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
The research study on occupational stress towards women employees at workplace is one of the making works less challenging and less satisfying for many workers. . Occupational stress is one of the major health hazards of the women workers in modern workplace. It accounts for much of the physical illness, substance abuse, and family problems experienced by millions of blue and white-collar workers. Occupational stress and stressful working conditions have been linked to low productivity, absenteeism, and increased rates of accidents on and off the job. The two objectives of the study are; 1.To study the job characteristics among women employees. 2. To determine the common types of workplace stress among women employees. The present study is only descriptive in nature. It is mainly used to gathering information on workplace stress among women employees. The primary and secondary data was used for the data collection of present study. A Random sampling techniques is used for data collection with a questionnaire is framed on sampling size of 55 working women employees in different work place. The workplace demands and family responsibilities, women show burnout signs through physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms. Usually, when the workplace demands exceed a person’s capacity to handle them, it leads to stress, burnout, and anxiety. . In the present research study the job characteristics on 58 % of the women’s better feel the nature of job control, and 27% of the women’s feel new job stress. Work is a central part of human life. It is the expression of the basic need to accomplish, to create, to feel satisfaction, and to feel meaningful.
Keywords: Occupational stress, women employees, workplace stress, job control and demand.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2025-01-22

Vol : 11
Issue : 1
Month : January
Year : 2025
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