Dinesh S, Seetharamu MS, Chithra PV, Mohana Sundarai M, Ashvini Kumar M
Department of Panchakarma, SDM Hassan, Karnataka
it can be managed. The ayurvedic management of Jalodara which has provided a significant result to improve the lifestyle and reduce the symptoms markedly. As the disease is chronic there is an involvement of multisystemic symptoms. Through ayurvedic management providing a relief to the symptoms, can provide a lead for further research activities.
A male patient aged 50 years N/K/C/O HTN and DM presented with symptoms of increased size of abdomen,swelling of bilateral lower limb since 8 months associated with reduced appetite and altered bowel habbits. With history of alcohol consumption since 10 years.
On examination
Inspection :
Abdomen : Enlarged Prominently,
prominent viens, umbilicus: protruding
Palpation: Shifting dullness +
Flank Bulging +
Fluid Wave +
Pitting Odema +
Percussion : Dull
Auscultaion: Abdominal Venous Hum +
Hepatic Arterial Bruit +
Hepatic Frictional Rub +
As the clinical features are pretending to the clear cut diagnosis of gross ascites. In ayurveda the Lakshanas are Adhmana,Dourbalaya ,Durbalagni,Shotha,Angasada,vata sanga pureesha all indiactaing the Udara roga.
Treatment protocol starts with Agnideepana, Amapachana ,Srothoshodhana, Kledashoshana. Bhedana line of treatment approach to be carried out for breaking up the Samprapthi of Udara such as Srothorodha of Sweda and Ambu - Dushta of Prana and Apana vata -Agnimandhya -causes Udara.
The Nidana and Samprapthi Gataka has to be understood clearly to match the Amshamasha Kalpana of the Chikitsa. If it proceeds well further treatment and response will increase drastically to provide good improvement.
Keywords: Jalodara, Ayurvedic management Grossascites.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)
Published on : 2025-03-11
Vol | : | 11 |
Issue | : | 3 |
Month | : | March |
Year | : | 2025 |